Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Journey home begins

Well, Sorry I did not post anything yesterday - we spent most of Saturday shopping, which was a lot of fun, but we really did not take a lot of pictures because it just didn't really seem appropriate. After shopping our Hostess and I went out to get a manicure, which was fun. We then went to dinner with another couple from the special study earlier in the week. We had a great time getting to know them!

Sunday we went to a HC meeting for foreigners, and that was really fun. We met so many nice people had had a great meeting. We went out and ate "Hot Pot" after the meeting - which was really yummy! Each person gets a mini pot with a flame underneath it and you make your own soup (well soup like) meal. John got the very spicy - and it was too spicy even for him! I got the no spice and mine was delicious (John ended up sharing with me when he couldn't eat his!)

After lunch we went and did a little more shopping and then our host took us to get a traditional foot massage. Wow - what an experience! They served us "white tea" which is just hot water!! lol First, they don't just work on your feet, they work on your shoulders, neck, feet, and legs. My guy went "easy" on me because our host told him I was pregnant - and I am so glad he did - I can't imagine what it would have been like if he was not going easy! (Next time I will tell them to go even easier!!) It was pretty rough in places, but it felt so good once they were finished - what a treat!

We packed all our stuff last night and headed out early this morning. It was pretty tough to say goodbye - our hosts have been so wonderful - I was teary walking out. I can't believe our time here is over already, John and I are both sad to leave. We are excited to come back to all our friends and family back home, but being here has really reminded us of our purpose and goal.

We had a short flight from Dalian to Seoul which went very well. We now have several hours to look around the airport before our flight to Chicago.

The food and lodgings were very good in China, but a few things we are looking forward to when we come back:

Sara's list:
A soft bed!!!
Drinking water from the tap
toliets you sit on!!!
not having to carry toliet paper with me wherever I go

John's list
A giant soft drink
cheese - especially on a large portion of meat
my big american car that I fit into
american toliets

And of course for both of us our amazing friends and family (we miss our small group and I have to have some "Mandy-time"!!!

Thanks for eveyone's yarpes - we really appreciate it. We really have felt the Father's presence and protection on our trip!


Pioneer Mom said...

I know you are home by now but I didn't want to call until I knew you were rested up. SO glad that your trip went so well. DJ and I can't wait for small group to get caught up!

Love you guys!
Sarah K.