Tuesday, March 24, 2009

In the air again

Sunday March 22nd

Happy Birthday Mom!!!!

We left Hong Kong today to fly to Dalian. The flight was a little over three hours long. While inthe airport we tried to get access to the internet, there were signs saying there was wifi, but we could not get it to connect :(

John and I had an empty seat between us again, which was nice. We went through customs twice, once as were were leaving Hong Kong, and once as we entered Dalian. We had no trouble getting through. When I went through they did ask me if I was traveling with someone, I pointed to John and said I was traveling with him. Three men all gathered together and talked, pointing to John and then the customs worker told me to have a nice trip - so I am not sure what that was about! I don't know if they were looking for someone or concerned about a woman traveling alone, or something else completly, I have no idea! Customs also put all our luggage through x-ray machines. The whole proccess was pretty interesting, but fast.

We arrived at our host's house pretty late, but still stayed up talking for a while. They are so nice and gracious! I don't want to name them incase it causes any problems, but our hostess had beauitful flowers for me! We are so excited to learn from them!


Pioneer Mom said...

Oh I am SO excited for you! I am almost crying just reading your posts. Ok, I'm done commenting on this one so I can go back and read the rest! :)
Sarah K

calezebabob said...

Hey, I miss you guys! Sounds like you are having a really good time.