Friday, April 1, 2011

Random Catch-up!

Here are a few random pictures taken over the past few weeks!

We love our blanket!
We love breakfast!!
Our first Popsicle! We like it!!
This is our favorite toy- Meow (pronounced Mao). Meow goes with us everywhere! Here is Meow playing outside with us :)
This toy car I found on Craigslist, and Elizabeth loves to play with it! She doesn't drive it very well, but is usually just excited to be in it! She also has a lot of fun when we push her around in it.
One evening we went out with the Fletcher to a place called Incredible Pizza. They have a lot of games and rides for younger kids (they also have other activities for older kids like bumper cars, lazer tag and arcade games) and everyone had a lot of fun! Here is Maddie and Elizabeth riding together :)
Elizabeth on the train!
The picture did not come out very good, but one day while I was trying to get some dishes done Elziabeth was asking to color. Normally we color at the kitchen table (so I can make sure we only draw on paper! lol) but on this day I let her sit at her little table to color. She sat very sweetly and was singing to herself as she was coloring! Too cute!
We went out to a park on one of the nice pre-spring days and Elizabeth really wanted to sit in the big girl swing! She did surprisingly well!!
Sorry the video is sideways, I couldn't figure out how to turn it!