Monday, April 6, 2009

Ultrasound results are in!!

We had our ultrasound today - it was an AMAZING experience!!! It was so amazing - words can't even describe! We got to hear the heartbeat - WOW!

Baby is healthy - everything looks good!!!

This picture shows baby's gender - can you tell?

Baby is a GIRL!!! (the arrow is pointing to the determining parts)

Elizabeth Rose is 9 oz and based on her measurements will be due September 2nd. The Doctor moved the due date back a little :) But ultimately, Elizabeth will determine when she is born. :)

This is a profile view - her head is on the right and her legs go off the picture

This is a view of her face and body - her face is on the right, with her nose being the middle bright spot. In the middle, just above her belly you can see the tip of her hand :)

This is a closer view of her face (her face is in the middle) - this one is a little creepy!

This is the sign we came home to see on our door! Mandy made us this awesome sign announcing our news! She also bought Elizabeth Rose her first baby gift! She bought her a really cute pair of socks that look like little shoes and have a small rose on them and an adorable little toy rattle thing that had a little girl on it with pink ribbon that looks like a rose! :) (Mandyrod is teroxxors!!)

We are so excited to know that Elizabeth is doing well - I felt great during our trip, but it is nice to know for sure! It is also very exciting to give "baby" her name!!!


Pioneer Mom said...

I am still SO excited! Thanks for letting me be a part by texting me!

Unknown said...

CONGRATULATIONS! And thanks so much for sharing your great news :-) We are so happy for both of you - and for Elizabeth Rose - she chose some awesome parents!! Doc & Linda