Thursday, January 20, 2011

Dress-up Fun!

We got a box full of dress-ups from Grandma for Christmas and we have been having lots of fun with it!!

There were lots of necklaces, and we like to wear them all- at the same time!!

Grandma also made some skirts and dresses, and every good dress-up kit has a pink boa!

Maddie is modeling the blue one!
Sammy is modeling the black boa/scarf
Micah wanted to try it on too!
Sammy really like the "worker vests"
He even wanted to wear them all at the same time!

Elizabeth has been really enjoying playing dress up! (I know this picture is blurry - but she would not stand still for me to take the picture! lol

Here is a hat we found at the goodwill to add to the collection!