Monday, August 31, 2009


So the semester has officially started and along with classes comes... homework! I know I need to take advantage of the time I have before Elizabeth comes, but I find it so hard to concentrate with her rocking and rolling inside of me!

Oh well! I know it will be even harder when she gets here! I did get a little reading done today, although not as much as I should have. I will try again tomorrow!


We have another doctor's appointment tomorrow, I am looking forward to seeing if I have progressed any! Last week I was 100% effaced and dilated to 3cm, so we will see!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Doctor's Apointment

So today we went in for our weekly doctor's appointment, and had a great visit! We were both a little worried because the last couple weeks my blood pressure has been up, not high enough to count as "high" but a big enough jump from my normal to cause some extra watching, in fact last week, the nurse mentioned the potential of inducing labor if it did not go down.

This week, my blood pressure is back to normal! Woot!!

I am continuing to dilate slowly, I am at 3cm this week! :) Our doctor said he would not be surprised if Elizabeth came by this weekend! How exciting!

So now we continue to wait...


Elizabeth's Nursery

Elizabeth's Nursery:

So, I meant to put these pictures up last week... :)

I finally finished Elizabeth's "Nursery" Area! Woot! Her crib is in the closet (it is a big closet!). I could not get a good picture of the whole area, so I had to take pictures in pieces.

This was my attempt to get the whole area... This is the far corner of the nursery

This is her crib - instead of buying a whole bedding set, I opted for cute sheets and a white dust ruffle. Most people I have talked to say they end up taking the bumper off anyway! The pink blanket is hand made by Elizabeth's grandma :)

Living in a dorm we can't paint, but I found these wall clings, they stay put really well and don't leave any marks on the wall! I used cute shapes and put her name above the crib. Once she is born I am going to put her birthday right below her name :)

This is Strawberry - John and I went to build-a-bear and made her for Elizabeth :) We had fun! Strawberry is holding a small bouquet of roses for Elizabeth Rose! :)

I decorated a small lamp to match the walls, and you can see a few of her dresses and jackets hanging up!

This is above the crib, it is where we keep heavier blankets and other things

Close up on the lamp... :)

This is the "Changing Area." It is in the bedroom. The hallway to the left leads to the closet where her "Nursery" is. :) Below the changing table we have baskets filled with various baby things (shoes, bibs, ointments, etc).

More wall clings to add flavor :)

Bows, Bows, Bows (boy I hope she has hair! lol)

Everything turned out really cute - I was happy! I was not sure how much I would be able to do!
Thanks for all the love and prayers - we will let everyone know as soon as she arrives!!