Sunday, November 21, 2010

Play time at the Discovery Center!

Very serious about the telephone!

Hard at work in the kitchen!

I kept trying to get her to look at the camera - she finally did - to tell me, "no, no, no!"

She will climb and stand on anything!

This is a giant peg board like thing

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Fall Pictures


Here are a few videos of Elizabeth learning to walk! Although she is wobbly she does it all the time now!

Here is John working very hard to try to get her to come to him, she has a mind of her own!!

Here she is walking down the hallway to get to a toy

This was after bathtime, she was in her pajamas all ready for bed and we were putting away some laundry. Elizabeth came upon a pair of her pants and insisted we put them on, so she is wearing two pairs of pants here! lol (Boy our living room is a mess!)

Friday, November 5, 2010


So my darling daughter is still very timid about taking steps (she takes a few, but is very cautious) but she is fearless in so many other ways! She will climb to the top of her table, stand up and try to reach high things, she flings herself around the rocking ottoman, and frequently stands in her rocking chair! Silly girl!

You can't really tell, but she is not holding onto anything - She leans against the back of the chair and bounces so the chair will rock back and forth!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Dress Up

Elizabeth often requests to have her shoes put on (she indicates this desire by holding the shoe out to you and grunting incessantly, not satisfied until you put it in her foot! lol), she also likes to put bracelets and necklaces on, but last night Elizabeth put on quite an ensemble! It began while playing in her kitchen, she discovered her apron and wanted it on. Then she found one of her black shoes and wanted it on. Next she found a brown shoe and we put it on. Then she wanted to put her Halloween costume on, and finally she found an oversized pink hat! What a fashion statement!

She was moving around alot so it was hard to get a good picture :)

Here Daddy - taste this!

Busy in her kitchen! (I wonder what she is cooking?)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Pumpkin Shape Sorter

We often go outside to play (especially in the nicer weather) and today when we went out Elizabeth was instantly drawn to the pumpkin we had carved. She started out by standing next to it and taking the lid on and off, but quickly discovered that it made a really cool noise if she banged the smaller gourd against it (because the pumpkin is hollow). A little later she found a walnut in the dirt (this girl LOVES the dirt!) and started banging it on the pumpkin too. She then discovered that she could put it in the top or in the eyes (but it did not fit in the nose or mouth! :)) It is just like her shape sorter!

Here she is looking into the pumpkin after dropping the walnut in

Re-examining the walnut... hmmm... has it changed any?

Trying to put it in the nose

Putting it into the eye

Retrieving it once again!

Lots of fun!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Lady Bug

Here are some pictures of Elizabeth in her costume! :)

Pumpkin Carving Time!

Halloween Night our friends Noah and Savannah had a small Halloween party at there house. One of the things we did was carve our pumpkins! :)

Here is Daddy posing with our pumpkin before carving

Here we go!

Once Daddy had the top open it was time to dig in!

Elizabeth was not nervous about getting right into the pumpkin!

She was very curious about the inside

Several times she tried to eat the insides

The pumpkin was almost as big as she is!

Exploring the seeds

Lots of fun!

After carving our big pumpkin, Elizabeth got to color a small pumpkin

We were more interested in the cap to the marker than the coloring!

Sammy was having fun coloring too!

Mandy was working on carving their pumpkin while Cale helped Maddie color hers!

Finished product!

Proud Daddy!

Mandy hard at work

Here are all the finished pumpkins!

Mandy made a train on the backside of theirs per Sammy's request! (Sammy is in love with trains!)