Saturday, July 31, 2010

Happy Anniversery!!!

John and I have been officially married for 11 years!! Woo-hoo!!

Without being to smarmy, I have to say it has been amazing. My relationship with John is such a blessing.

(I editing this to add to this post! :) )

Our wonderful friends got together and bought us a night in Branson to celebrate! We also went to a show The Ledgend of Kung-Fu - which was really cool! It was a cross between ballet and Kung-Fu. The choreography was amazing!

Here are a couple pictures of John with some of the performers

They had some really random gifts in the gift shop:

That night we were walking along Branson Landing (a shopping center along the Lake) and there was a special fire and water presentation set to the music of "Kung Fu Fighting" It was quite the Kung-Fu Anniversary for us!

As we were packing up to go home the next day John got a call with a job offer!! Woo-hoo! That was a great way to end our mini vacation!

Our friend Mandy watched Elizabeth (it was our first night away from her!) and she had a good time playing with Micah, Maddie and Sammy. Mandy even posted pictures on Facebook so we would know she was ok while we were gone! :) The separation was much harder on Mom and Dad than on Elizabeth!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

from my phone

I am testing an app to be able to blog from my phone - let's hope it works!!

Fun at the mall!

so yesterday we went to the mall with some really cool people, especially this one girl named Mandy. She is AWESOME!!!. After walking around the mall we stopped at the play place. Elizabeth took right off to go play with the big kids. She didn't even hesitate! It was really cute, i am amazed by how quickly she is growing!